Academic Integrity
From School's Administration
Academic integrity is a commitment by teachers, students, and all members of the academic community to five fundamental values: honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility. Even under difficult circumstances or pressures related to grades/time, it is imperative that all members of the community avoid any action that may result in creating an unfair academic advantage for themself or for any other member of the school community. Examples of academic dishonesty that provide such an advantage include but are not limited to: sharing test questions with others who have not yet taken the test, misrepresentation of data, consultation of outside resources (including AI) without permission, unauthorized collaboration, and plagiarism.
Violations may result in severe consequences including but not limited to: a zero on the assignment, Saturday school, suspension from extracurriculars, loss of parking pass, removal from honors societies, and possible required reporting on college applications which may affect student admission into certain colleges and universities.
Each student is expected to maintain and support academic integrity by:
Completing all assigned work, activities, and tests in an honorable way that avoids all cheating, lying, and stealing,
Clarifying with the instructor anything that may be unclear about an assignment, with respect to how the Academic Integrity Policy/Honor Code may apply to it,
Maintain records of research notes, outlines, rough drafts and reference works to validate individual effort,
Seek supplemental assistance from teachers, parents or peers to understand lessons and assignments within the parameters established by the teacher